Winners of Jazz World Photo 2015

Andrea Rotili / IT
Born in S.ELPIDIO A MARE (AP) and resident in MORROVALLE (MC). Freelance photographer specialized in stage photography. A great lover of jazz music and photography, being able to unite both in harmony and immortalizing musicians performing on and off stage bringing out all of their state of mind. Informatic studies and development of software working together in workshops with the best photographers in Italy and worldwide along with having a master in photo /editor, all this has improved his technical skills and made him more creative. Always in contact with the jazz world especially Italian Jazz magazines, being part of the team of the web magazine All About Jazz for which he is a photographer at the most important national and international jazz festival. He has developed photo reports with jazz musicians and manufacturers of musical instruments. Currently working to develop a photo report project for a travelling photo exibition for jazz festivals in several cities. His photo has been selected already for Jazz World Photo 2014.

Andrea Palmucci / IT
I was born in 1974 and I spend my life between Imperia, Rio de Janeiro and Jazz. The analytical approach learned in the study of chemistry and pharmacy prompted me to summarize the research of the soul with the photographs. Studies and continuous insights moved the center of gravity of my existence in the world of photography, the constant element of my daily life. The dazzling meeting with Enzo Obiso, the diploma of the Academy of Fine Arts as well as explorations of the video art have contributed to a growing day by day continues today even after graduation in 2005 and the subsequent transfer to Rio. I still remember when, for the fi rst time, Enzo showed me The hand of the man by Sebastião Salgado. There, I decided that my job and my passion would have coincided with photography! I worked for two years documenting the precocious health situation of the capital Carioca, investigated in many travel social reality through the eyes of children, a theme that I studied in Brazil with institutions that deal with Meninos de rua. From many years I work with jazz music, photographing the sound of live concerts and international festivals. I think that a part people feels excited about seeing my pictures because all my effort is devoted to capturing the soul, the heart of the people, the core of the sound in the case of Jazz, the immensity of the landscapes. My aim is to convey the uniqueness of that intimate lifeblood to shake the soul of the beholder. Why Jazz? The relationship between musician and instrument in the melodious improvisation is a magical combination, imponderable as visceral photographer musician because it is the only one to really feel the sacred fire of the instrument.

Fabio Orlando / IT
I was born in Melito Porto Salvo in Calabria. I am a Freelance photographer and I started at very young age of 15 in my fi rst darkroom. My passion for jazz music led me to participate in musical events rather important in this genre (Umbria Jazz, Roccella Jazz, etc.) and I often visit jazz clubs; the concerts are my inspiration. I was accredited as a photographer at the following musical events: Roccella Jazz Festival 2010 – 2014; Umbria Jazz Perugia 2012 – 2014; Umbria Jazz Winter Orvieto 2012 – 2014 ;Jazzit Fest Collescipoli 2014; Jazzin Sardinia European Jazz Expo 2012; Calabria Jazz Meeting Pepper Jazz Festival; Amantea 2014; Ecojazz Pellaro RC 2009 – 2014; Lamezia Jazz 2012 – 2013; Reggio in Jazz 2012 – 2014; Play Music Festival Reggio Calabria 2013 – 2014; Pepper Jazz Festival 2013 – 2014; Some of my photos have been published in musical journals such as Jazz and Jazzit. My photo exhibition Jazz Impressions was presented in Orvieto c / o Workshop of Painting Hen-Tsarkova, in Reggio Calabria c / o Gallery Laruffa Luppino in Catanzaro c / o Caffe literary K of Hearts In the category “Photographer Italy” of Jazzit Awards I obtained 5th place in 2012 and 3rd place in 2013. I participated and won the Concorso D’Landscapes Moments I and II edition 2012 edition in 2013, obtaining the First Prize for Best Author, respectively, with the shots “The Cat in the village” and “Run-indifference”; III edition in 2014 was a member of the jury of quality. You can see the selection of my work on my personal website and in Jazzitalia gallery. I use professional photographic equipment Nikon.